Kids Yoga Classes
Another successful block of happy mini yogis graduating!
Our winter Kids Yoga block started with Sophia?s Jungle Adventure, with a series of themed jungle poses , touching on the environmental concerns in rainforests. Our Halloween yoga saw us sequencing a full moon salutation and how when things seem a bit scary we can use our Rainbow Breath to calm us. We continued on our themes with The Grateful Giraffe, The Giant Panda Party, working towards winter and Christmas back drops to name but a few allowing us to touch on our feelings, emotions, thoughts and actions in a fun way! We introduced new types of breath work such as Cat?s Breath, undulating our spine with the breath allowing us to cleanse and brighten our minds and body.
Our older classes worked in partner postures which always prove popular, working together in a non competitive and our guiding star meditation really recentres and calms active minds at the end of a busy session.
Kids Yoga classes:
3-5 years, 2.00pm-2.30pm,
5-8 years 4pm-4.45pm
New 8-12 year class starts Tuesday 17th April. ?If your yogi would like to join us, book here.